Newspaper article Jungfrauzeitung (March 10, 2021)
“Old two-wheelers meet new love”

Link: Jungfrau Zeitung – Old two-wheelers meet new love
Newspaper article Berner Landbote(June 17, 2020)
“I love the smell of gasoline”

Newspaper article Berner Zeitung (April 26, 2019)
“Velosolex are sensitive vehicles”

TACHO Schweizer Fernsehen SRF (September 2018)
Short article about Kipfer Velo-Solex Workshop

Article Motosport (April 2018)

Newspaper article Thuner Tagblatt(28 August 2015)
“Business with the Solex is booming”

Newspaper article Migrosmagazin (May 11, 2015)
“The Velosolex is still rattling”

On free Wednesday afternoons, Christof Kipfer (40) is often stuck in his basement in Thun BE working on a two-wheeler engine. Not because the secondary school teacher practices hairdressing like his students. No, his mopeds are not fast, but above all beautiful – Kipfer is a Solex fan.
Christof Kipfer in his Solexreich, the workshop.
The Velosolex is the “Döschwo” among motorcycles: affordable for many in the post-war period and today a cult object. “When I drive through town in my little black dress, people are happy and wave at me,” says the passionate amateur mechanic. Everywhere he gets involved in conversations and hears anecdotes.
In 1941, the two owners of the French carburetor manufacturer Solex, Marcel Mennesson and Maurice Goudard, mounted the first engine on a men’s bicycle – the prototype was born. In 1946 the Velosolex went into series production in Courbevoie near Paris. In 1950, 44,000 units were already being produced. The bicycle with an auxiliary motor, as the new vehicle category was called, impressed with its economy and robustness. It was soon popularly nicknamed the “nose warmer” because of the motor on the front wheel.

Christof Kipfer, Elisa Christina (8), Sarah Carolina (4) and Anna Julia (6, from left) pose on a “tricycle delivery van” based on model 3800 – without a helmet. When driving, everyone always wears head protection.
Kipfer found his first Velosolex about twelve years ago through an advertisement in a retirement home. It was a love-hate relationship: «What have I cursed about this machine. Nothing went as I wanted, I was completely overwhelmed.” He found a mentor in the mechanic Ulrich Hofer from Kirchberg BE, who told him many a trick.
Today, Kipfer doesn’t have to think twice before putting a new “patient” on the small lifting platform in his basement. He examines the vehicle systematically like an experienced paramedic: Does the engine start? Does the fuel pump work? Are the lines free? Is the spark plug intact?
Screws against school stress
Like many classic car fans, Christof Kipfer is also a passionate mechanic and inventor. A passion that modern vehicles cannot satisfy: “The scooters that you buy today are actual computers.” That’s why you can’t mend them anymore, but always have to replace entire kits if something breaks.
In and around Christof Kipfer’s chalet there are always a few Solex waiting to be repaired: “Mechanical challenges are wellness for my head.” Screwdriving is a great way to recover from everyday school life. He is also often contacted by other Velosolex fans when it comes to solving technical problems or getting spare parts. Since the calls had become too much for him over time, he now offers spare parts, background knowledge and addresses of Velosolex specialists on a lovingly designed homepage.
A look at the site is also worthwhile because of the picture gallery with historical advertising posters and various Solex models – from the first prototype to the Faltsolex and the new E-Bike Mustache. The latter is not a petrol engine and therefore not a real Solex, but has a retro look and is currently on sale. It counts as a bicycle and can be ridden without a helmet.
An estimated six million Velosolex were made in total before production stopped in 1988. No one knows how many of these are still in use today. But one thing is certain: the love for the Knackertöffli has a unifying effect. In Switzerland there are several associations that have formed in honor of the Solex. The Aargauer Solexfreunde, for example, the Velosolex Club Emmental or the Velosolex Club Northwest Switzerland. Incidentally, the latter organizes the Swiss championship in Velosolex races in Pratteln BL at the beginning of September.
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Newspaper article Bund (7 August 2013)
“The Screwdriver and the Cult Object”

Sonja Wyss Freundliche und hilfsbereite Bedienung. Ersatzteile -Verkauf zu fairen Preisen. Grosse Auswahl an Ersatzteilen Thaddäus Steinmann Sehr kompetent und hilfsbereit! Jürgen Beckmann Super ... kurze Anfrage über E-Mail und sofortige Rückmeldung Das ist Kundenfreundlich Danke !!! Jürgen der Solex-Opa aus Freiburg ( D ) Simon Mathys Sehr hilfsbereit und gutes Fachwissen Micha Abels Super schnelle Bearbeitung und Lieferung. Jeder Zeit wieder.👍👍 Remo Müller Sehr sympatisch Rasche Rückmeldung Verständnisvoll Ist zu empfehlen😉👍 Raum Former Starker Kontakt, vielen Dank für deinen Einkauf bei uns und viel Freude an der Feuerkugel. Anton ;-)
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