Kipfer Velo-Solex workshop

These gentle “bikes with auxiliary motors” have fascinated me for 19 years…
I am fascinated by the fact that Velosolex still appeals to a wide variety of people from all walks of life. This creates good contacts and you hear a wide variety of mostly exciting stories from the “good old days”…
Enthusiasm is contagious! I always try to find spare parts & Offer accessories at fair prices. Quality and origin are very important to me, the parts are almost exclusively made in Europe.
The items are sent with an invoice – of course you can come and buy them in Thun with advance notice. If possible, please order by email (do not forget your postal address). Shipping costs 10.- (for tires & wheels 12.-). Now I wish you a lot of fun surfing on my website!
Christof Kipfer
At the end of 1941 this 38 cc motor, which could not yet be lifted and also had no cover, was fitted over the front wheel of an “Alcyon” men’s bicycle.
The headlight was mounted on the left under the engine, while on the right, directly under the tank, was the muffler, from which a pipe curved down to the fender.
The front wheel was fitted with rims, the rear wheel with a coaster brake.
The first production VeloSolex, which was produced from April 1946, had one
Displacement of 45 cm³ and made 0.4 hp at 2000 revolutions per minute.
The biggest changes for series production were smaller wheels (650s). Rim brakes also at the rear and an open “lady-friendly” frame, in which a tube led from the saddle carrier in an arc to the steering head. The fork now consisted of oval tubing. The tank held only one liter,
which, however, was enough for a hundred kilometers.
The 1946 Velosolex weighed 25 kilograms.
In a new factory in Chaobevoie, 15 pieces were assembled daily.
In 1947 the long list of modifications began:
The rear wheel fork was no longer welded but screwed.
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